
Journal Articles

1] Composition effect of the dental liquid mixture on droplet evaporation and deposition
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak*, Zhengtao Ai, Kuen Wai Ma, Hai Ming Wong
Indoor and Built Environment 2025 | paper

2] Propagation and evaporation of contaminated droplets, emission and exposure in surgery environments revealed by laser visualization and numerical characterization
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak, Zhengtao Ai, Kuen Wai Ma, Hai Ming Wong*
Journal of Hazardous Materials 2024 | paper

3] Cross-infection risk assessment in dental clinic: Numerical investigation of emitted droplets during different atomization procedures
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak*, Zhengtao Ai, Kuen Wai Ma, Hai Ming Wong
Journal of Building Engineering 2023 | paper

4] Numerical investigation of the impacts of environmental conditions and breathing rate on droplet transmission during dental service
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak*, Zhengtao Ai, Kuen Wai Ma, Hai Ming Wong
Physics of Fluids 2023 | paper

5] Airborne transmission during short-term events: Direct route over indirect route
Xiujie Li, Zhengtao Ai*, Jinjun Ye, Cheuk Ming Mak, Hai Ming Wong
Building Simulation 2022 | paper

6] Airborne transmission of exhaled pollutants during short-term events: Quantitatively assessing inhalation monitor points
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak*, Zhengtao Ai, Hai Ming Wong
Building and Environment 2022 | paper

7] How the high-volume evacuation alters the flow-field and particle removal characteristics in the mock-up dental clinic 
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak, Kuen Wai Ma, Hai Ming Wong*
Building and Environment 2021 | paper

8] Restoration of dental services after COVID-19: The fallow time determination with laser light scattering
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak*, Kuen Wai Ma, Hai Ming Wong
Sustainable Cities and Society 2021 |paper

9] Evaluating flow-field and expelled droplets in the mockup dental clinic during the COVID-19 pandemic
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak, Kuen Wai Ma, Hai Ming Wong*
Physics of Fluids 2021 "Featured Work & 封面文章" | paper

10] Design and analysis of an active daylight harvesting system for building
Xiujie Li, Yeyan Wei, Junbin Zhang, Peng Jin*
Renewable Energy 2019 | paper

11] Numerical modeling of tubular daylighting devices
Biao Chen, Yeyan Wei, Xiujie Li, Runze Cao, Peng Jin
Optik 2017 | paper

Conference papers

1] Propagation and Evaporation of Dental Droplets, Emission and Exposure in Surgery Environments: Preparing for Next "Disease X"
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak, Hai Ming Wong
INDOOR AIR 2024 | paper

2] Performance of mitigation measures on emitted droplets in dental atomization procedure
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak, Hai Ming Wong
IAQVEC 2023 | paper

3] Cross-Infection Risk Analysis in Dental Clinics: Atomization and Transmission Mechanisms of Emitted Droplet
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak, Hai Ming Wong
PRSC 2023 | paper

4] The airborne lifetime and spatial-temporal distribution of emitted droplets in dental procedures
Xiujie Li, Cheuk Ming Mak, Zhengtao Ai, Kuen Wai Ma, Hai Ming Wong
COBEE 2022 | paper

5] Design and analysis of an active daylighting system for retrofiting building
Xiujie Li, Yeyan Wei, Junbin Zhang, Peng Jin
SEEP 2018 | paper